Conference 2012:
Here is an overview of conference.
I was seeded fourth in the 100 and 200, and placed 7th in the 100 with a time of 12.91 and 8th in the 200 with a time of 26.31. I was expecting to podium (first through third place) and PR (personal record), but I fell short. My relay teams (both 4x1 and 4x4) did not make it to nationals.
Disappointment. I didn't hit the times that I wanted to, and the relay teams did not go to nationals. But what follows disappointment...
Motivation. I have 14 days (I am on day four) to give my body a rest and then I am back to work. My relay team and I are all connected through one email on facebook and we are keeping each other in line. We are all driven to demolish conference next year and go to nationals for our own personal events and the relays. Failure is something that needs to be felt in order to know what success is. So here is my failure notice. Now it is time to forget about this tough season of injuries and sickness, and get ready for next year. It is great to feel motivated again. I have not felt it in a long time. I am determined to beat my times and be all that I can be as an athlete. I have two more years left with my collegiate track team. Lets see everything I can be :)
Next years goals:
100: 12.4
200: 25.5
4x1: 48.3
4x4: 3 min. 59 sec.
School Year 2011/2012:
School ended great. I made a 4.0 for my second semester classes and I am ready to start my psychology classes. I am predicting that next year will be my hardest. I am officially a JUNIOR in COLLEGE!
Summer 2012:

Tomorrow Gramps and I are going to look at cars. I am soooo soo excited! I am keeping my truck (I have a gas guzzler), and getting a small car to save gas.
Here is to summer, here are to memories, here is to life :)