Sunday, March 31, 2013

Today Can Mark Everyday

Happy Easter Everyone! :)
Today was started at 6:50 AM arriving at a theater to set up for church. Freedom Church had about 55 people our service in the theater. This is a big step for us, considering that we meet every Sunday in a garage with about 28 people. Our small church is slowly growing, and today was only a small glance of what is to come in our future. We are growing, and it is amazing!

Today marks the last day of spring break, and tomorrow is the first day of the last 6 weeks of school. WOW! Summer, here I come. 
One of my best friends, Mariah came to Portland for spring break. She was here for a week and 3 days. Talk about having a blast! We did "all the things" in Portland. She said one of the best quotes I have ever heard. So simple, but so amazing.
"I am made in God's image. I'm a little crazy, so God must be a little crazy."
Isn't that great? I love it :)

Last night I had dinner at a professor's house. He and his wife cooked a wonderful dinner for Alija and I. Sitting at the table, we talked and talked. At their home, people can just be. We are truly human beings, not human doings. The most amazing conversation grew at our table (meals grow lovely friendships). Between 3 Christian's and 1 Muslim, we all talked about God. We talked about love, grace, Heaven, people, creation, wonders, questions, prayers, family. We all talked about how amazing he is, how amazing our creator is. He created nature. Without the sun trees would not exist and without God we would not exist. Lets just say, it was an amazing dinner. I felt God in the room, watching us. One moment I felt his presence, and you know what? He was proud of us. One of the largest topics in the world that causes so much fighting and confrontation was being talked about in love. 

Now I will put away my computer, lay in the sun, and enjoy the 70 degree weather. 
Today is beautiful.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Timeline Time!
Here has what has been going on within the last three weeks.
I am back from nationals, starting outdoor track, and trucking through school.
I miss my horse like crazy, and life is full of decisions. 

Geneva, Ohio was where nationals took place. I can say that I am the 24th fastest girl in the 60 meter dash in the nation for the NAIA. My goal time was not met, but I was there. I worked hard, learned so much, and now it is time to work hard for outdoor. 
The last two weeks I have only ran the 4x100 meter relay.
Lately, it might seem that I have posted all about track...that is because lately that is what my life has consisted of. Here is the 4x100 meter relay team competing at University of Oregon last Saturday. We took fifth place, and will compete again this weekend. Lets see if we can have a season best and work towards nationals!

Right now I am working through decisions and changes in life. With small decisions and large decisions, each one takes places in my future. I read an amazing story in a book last night for an assignment. I really want to share it with you...
An American tourist found himself in India on the day of the pilgrimage to the top of a sacred mountain. Thousands of people would climb the steep path to the mountaintop. The tourist, who had been jogging and doing vigorous exercise and thought he was in good shape, decided to join in and share the experience. After twenty minutes, he was out of breath and could hardly climb another step, while women carrying babies, and frail old men with canes, moved easily past him. "I don't understand it," he said to an Indian companion. "How can those people do it when I can't?" His friend answered, "It is because you have the typical American habit of seeing everything as a test. You see the mountain as your enemy and  you set out to defeat it. So, naturally, the mountain fights back and it is stronger than you are. We do not see the mountain as our enemy to be conquered. The purpose of our climb is to become one with the mountain and so it lifts us up and carries us along."
When All You Ever Wanted Isn't Enough
By Harold S. Kushner

I share this because lately, tasks and decisions have been a battle. I have had the mentality of conquering and mastering just to work toward my future, when in reality, I should really be enjoying each moment and letting life carry me where it wants me. 
God has his plan. I just need to live it. 

Challenge of the day: Notice how many times you say "I or me." Ask questions, and listen to those around you.

I speak to you from the depths of your being. Hear me saying soothing words of peace, assuring you of my love. Do not listen to voices of accusation, for they are not from me. I speak to you in love-tones, lifting you up. My spirit convicts cleanly, without crushing words of shame. Let the spirit take charge of your mind, combing out tangles of deception. Be transformed by the truth that I live within you. 
The light of my presence is shining upon you, in benedictions of peace. Let my light shine in you; don't dim it with worries or fears. Holiness is letting me live through you. Since I dwell in you, you are fully equipped to be holy. Pause before responding to people or situations, giving my spirit space to act through you. Hasty words and actions leave no room for Me; this is atheistic living. I want to inhibit all your moments...gracing your thoughts, words, and behavior.
Romans 8: 1-2; Colossians 1: 27; 1 Corinthians 6: 19
Jesus Calling
by Sarah Young