I was getting so much better and I started to feel like myself again. Other than the two hour nap each day, I had started to gain my strength back. As long as I had enough sleep the night before, I would wake up feeling okay in the morning with no sign of the "Swine Flu" and when I got tired I would just take a nap.
Now I am again in bed, barely able to eat, and once again sick. I have never experienced a relapse of being sick before, but I guess people need to learn somehow and I have just learned my lesson:
DON'T OVER DO IT. When you are sick, give your body time to heal.
I will rewind my last two and a half weeks and it will be very obvious of where I went wrong and why I am again sick. I am not nearly as bad as I was on the first day of being diagnosed, but I woke up feeling terrible; helpless.
Mom was here in the morning and she made everything so much easier! She came in for my track meet...and well okay, here goes my last week and a half.
I came back to school rested. Everyone heard that I was diagnosed with the swine flu. Professors, the athletic director, all of the athletic staff, students; everyone. I was tired during the day and talked to my coach. He gave me practice off and I told him I would see him for relay practice on Tuesday. He asked me about the track meet coming up on Saturday, and he assumed I would not be running. Wrong. Mom was coming into town, and I was determined to get better. I love when my mom sees me run. She is my biggest fan. He was surprised by my response that I wanted to run, and he was even more surprised when I told him that I wanted to run all four events (100, 200, 4x100 relay, 4x400 relay).
Monday: rest
Tuesday: relay practice in the rain
Wednesday: no practice, but I volunteered at a high school track meet (3.5 hours in the rain, snow, and 36 degree weather with no feeling of body. It was absolutely freezing).
Thursday: No practice. I was in bed sick for the day.
Friday: My coach had strict orders for me. Show up to the track for ten minutes, walk a lap, and leave home. It was a beautiful warm day, so it was easy to be outside and feel good.
Friday evening I picked up Mom and we had a great time relaxing! I was so excited to see her!
Saturday: Spring Break Open Track meet
I woke up feeling good. I was ready, and my mindset for the day was "give everything you have in each race and if I need to scratch out of the next race I will."
I got through the 4x100 relay, 100 meter, and 200 meter. After my 200 meter I was finished. I laid on the infield for about 25 minutes and my coach helped me up. He shut down the 4x400 meter relay and was surprised that I even made it through the events that I did. He was not disappointed at all, only surprised by my dedication. I walked up to the stands to my mom with a fast approaching fever and laid in her lap like I was five again. What would I do without Mom? :)
That night we got dinner to go and did a little bit of shopping for my dorm. We fell asleep watching a movie. Here is when the craziness begins:
I couldn't stop drinking water. My body needed it. I went through 5 bottles of water last night. I then woke up by 5 a.m. feeling like I had been hit by a bus; the feeling of relapse.
Mom's plane left at 10:30 and she didn't want to go, but I knew I would be better in a matter of time throughout the day. While I laid in bed, she went to the store and made sure that I was stocked up on Tylenol, 7Up, salty chips, soup, and water. Our weekend went by way too fast, but I see her again in six weeks (I am already counting the days).
So now I am in bed. I have done some homework, and will finished the rest tomorrow. I will be out of track and the track meet this up coming weekend to recover once again from this nasty sickness. Maybe next year I will get my vaccinations...
Here are stats from this weekend. Everyone was very impressed with the times that I ran for being so sick. Our 4x100 relay also has a shot at making it to nationals! Pray that we make the qualifying mark.
100: 13.11 which was 6th place (goal is a 12.5, and my personal best is a 12.6)
200: 26.98 which was 9th place(overall goal is a 25.9 by the end of college but I am very happy with my 26's)
4x100 relay: 50.7 which was third place (we need a 48.5 -I think- to make it to nationals)

Deb and I :)
P.S. I lost 8 pounds from being sick last is not extremely noticeable, since it is mostly muscle and water weight, but I need to gain my muscle back in the weight room. Hard work, I will see you in a couple of weeks.
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