Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Adult Life

     Right now, I just finished up eating lunch. This isn't just lunch, this is lunch I cooked. This is a lunch that I spent my own money on. This is a lunch that I earned. I have learned that this is a big difference from lunch at home than lunch that I have as a college student. Yes, I am a senior in college BUT the last three years I have been on my school's meal plan. So now, I grocery shop with my own income on the weekends and plan out my meals for the week days. Why am I talking about how I spend my own money and cook my own food? Because I'm not only learning about how to budget and spend, but I'm learning about myself. I'm now starting to live a single, independent life and I'm learning new things every day. Of course, I know myself but I read the other day that one's mind can measure up another individual in a time of ten seconds and can't measure up themselves their entire life. In a psychological sense, this means that someone else can know another human better than themselves within their life time. Not every believes this theory, but to me it makes some sense. I can swirl into an entire blog about the mind and theories but I won't get started with using my psychology degree right now :)
Some fun facts that I have learned this morning:
-sometimes, it's easier to just cook in a sports bra to avoid getting stains on a white shirt
-when two washers are open, wash two loads of laundry (common sense right? Well, it took me a second walk to the laundry room to realize that both washers were open...)
-when you have a delicate white shirt, put it inside a white pillow case to prevent tears from the washer or other clothes (just make sure to tie the top of the pillow case)
-when you miss home, make something that reminds you of it. What did I make? Sweet tea...who would of thought?
-I like Winco better than Walmart.
...and it's only 2 in the afternoon! What other fun facts will I learn?!

On a more serious note, God is working in my life in amazing ways. He is teaching me to be still. He is teaching me to let things be. He is teaching me how to his ways, not mine. With my life group at church right now, we are studying the book of Luke. Luke 1:19-20 (in "The Message" Bible) an angel is speaking with Zachariah, telling him that his wife will be able to give birth to a son. The angel, Gabriel, says "Every word I've spoken to you will come true in time--God's time." I love this. I'm learning this. I can relate to this. I think everyone can. I look around me and see that the American society is ran by time. Everyone rushes around trying to finish what they need to finish; rush to work, rush home, rush to bed, just to rush to do the same thing the next day. But this is not how I want to live. I don't want to "rush" through life, living each day for the next. I want to be on God's time clock, not mine. It's the beginning of my last year in undergraduate school. Everything this year seems to be new. I have a couple of new roommates (who are amazing), new track coaches (who are also amazing) and it's a new school year.

So cheers to the new year, cheers to the new times, and cheers to the adult life!

P.S. Tonight, Freedom has our first service ever in our new rented building! Remember when our church only included seven people? We have grown to 40!

Luke 1: 20: ...For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper timing. 

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