Saturday, October 15, 2011


To my inspiration, to my Barnabas, to one of my amazing best friends who always knows what to say, has inspired this blog. I hope to touch the ones I love, express feelings that I hope to be seen, and maybe inspire someone else to do as I am. One, I want family and friends to be caught up on my crazy life, and two, I would love for something else other than facebook to occupy my time while I am working on homework..sorry Mama. Just saying :)

So here I go. Thank you Susanna Fleming for all of your heartening conversations, loving comments, fun times in life, and just always being the one to say the things that need to be said. Thank you for being one of my best friends. Thank you for your inspiration. I hope to enlighten you with my life, like you have enlightened mine :)

As Sus would say, "take this beautiful imperfect moment and embrace it." Let's see where this crazy life is taking me, and where God would like me to end up. 3..2..1---> So here we go. Lets run with it :)

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