Monday, February 27, 2012

Blogs :)

I have been looking up different blogs and I am super inspired by people! 
I have added a few more blogs to follow for personal interests. There are a few horse blogs I added as well as a crafting Mom :) 
I now have ideas of how I will give during the holidays! I am just so inspired. 

I really need to spice up my page! 


Thursday, February 23, 2012


Here I am again able to blog! :)
and I love it.

On the Clock!
I woke up this morning, got ready for my day, went to the library where it took forever to print an essay (the computers weren't working right for my school log in), ate breakfast super fast, and then went to my spiritual formation class. I found out that I had a 5 page final paper due for creative writing today so I hurried to the cafeteria and started/complete my essay, and continued to my fine arts class. It was canceled for the second time in a row!  :) I am so excited. So now I get to blog and catch up with small things I need to do until my creative writing class in about an hour. There have been stresses, but also good factors today.

These last couple of days have gone well. Yesterday marked the first day of Lent. Lent, as what I understand, are the 40 days before Easter. It is the time that Jesus went into the desert and was tempted by Satan. A lot of Christians choose one thing to give up during this time until Easter. It is kind of like a fast. That is my understanding. Two things from Lent;
1. I need to really start researching Christian Holidays and traditions. I really want to embrace not only my society, but culture. I want to truly understand what I do and what I should do as a Christian. Honestly, I didn't even know it was Lent until people started blowing up my facebook feed on what they were giving up.
2. Hmm..I forgot my second point :)
I called my mom and asked if she was giving anything up and she said she was not. BUT she gave me something to give not get hurt. Funny story behind that. First it was a strained muscle in my foot, then my back (which the chiropractor didn't come yesterday again so my hips are still out of line), and now....haha...I will have a small scar on my arm. Totally bazaar, but at track practice I went to open a curtain to let air into the room we were working out in and the poll fell from the to top of the window. It came down and slice my bicep right open. It isn't big, but it is kind of deep. I went to the trainers room and she fixed me right up. She said I should get stitches but needles aren't really my I just stuck with having the scar :) It really is super small. Maybe the size of a fingernail. It is almost a perfect triangle. What Susanna told me was this:
"Your body is a scrapbook and its scars are the pictures."
Isn't that a great quote? I thought so :)

~Alija and I went to the Trail Blazers game (that was his Valentine's day present). They Lost to the Clippers in the 4th quarter but it was super fun to watch.

~Rachel, Bill, Hunter, Deb, Ryan, Alija, and I went to a nickel arcade on Saturday night. We acted like 12 year olds playing games for coins, bought little gadgets with our tickets, and saw a movie for $3.00 each. Talk about a fun, affordable night for a bunch of college students. It was a blast!

Nickel arcade :)
~The girls and boys basketball teams for Warner had their playoff games here Tuesday and Wednesday night. Rachel, Bill, Hunter and I went to the girls game Tuesday night (the girls won!) and Rachel, Hunter, Deb, Ryan, Molly, Taylor, and I went last night to the boys game (they won after an INTENSE game in overtime).

There is a little blab about my last few days :)

Here is what I read yesterday from my Bible:
Matthew 1-3
-I am going back to the beginning of the Old Testament
-I also downloaded a daily devotional app on my ipod
Today's Devotional Scripture: Jesus Our Example
                            As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. -John 9:5

Susanna and I might do a blog this summer. We have a great idea! :)

Summer to do list:
-maybe cut my hair to a shorter length
-kick box
-play guitar
-start blog
...and the list will get bigger :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hide and Trying to Seek

Wow! So it has almost been an entire month since I have written. BUT now I am here to write and force time to be on my side. For one time in a while, it is :)

Right now I am sitting my college dorm room with my good friends, Rachel and Bill (he is 6'8, just saying). I am helping Rachel pick out her outfit while Bill is reading ridiculous stories online. I love college!

To keep this simple, I will section my life out. That way I don't write an entire novel. Besides, I still have to write essays and prompts for class tomorrow.

School is going great! I do not have a lot of classes so that is nice. But I have a lot of writing. Spiritual Formation and Creative Writing have my attention of writing and I get so tired. I am not making an excuse of why I am not blogging because I LOVE TO WRITE, but sometimes my mind needs a little break. My other two classes are Human Sexuality and Introduction to the Arts. Human sexuality is more of a project and test class (very interesting and funny at times) and Introduction to the hour and a half of doing homework for other classes or skimming pinterest. Yes, I am still obsessed with pinterest. I received my first test back in Human Sexuality today! I earned a 93% so I am satisfied.

What a busy time...not only busy but painful too. I am not an injury prone athlete at all, but holy cow, it is not my year so far. First of all, we got back from Christmas break and traveled to University of Washington, University of Idaho, and then back to University of Washington all in back to back weekends. In the last 3 and a half weeks I have had a strained muscle on the top of my foot, a pinched nerve in my neck, and right now have a strained joint in my hip. I need to get my hips realigned next week because my pelvis is out of line. Crazy, huh? So I have not felt my best, and I have just been mentally and physically tired. This past weekend at the University of Washington, I finally felt good. I did not have my best times, but I felt GOOD, and right now that is what is important to me. I have a small meet in town this weekend, and that will top off my indoor season! It went by so fast. Outdoor season here I come.

New Years Resolutions
Bible: Reading my Bible is going great! There are so many things that I want to share, I just don't know how to write all of them out because there is sooo much! One thing that I am studying is how to answer the question "How is Jesus God?" "How is Jesus the son of God?" "How can something be the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit?" I have been asked this and to be honest, I can't explain it and give an answer for it because I only know it by faith. So here are some scriptures that I have been studying this week. Before I leave you on this note for my Bible readings, let me explain how I have been making time for my Bible. For Spiritual Formation class we are required to do certain fasts for the week and spend a certain amount of time with God. It has been forcing me to make a routine, and I thought "HEY, why don't I make this my Bible time?" I now get up at 7:30 Monday-Thursday, sometimes Friday (depending on what Thursday night has in store for me!) and I eat breakfast by 8:30. I study my Bible and read Susie's Little Bible Study ( in the cafeteria for about an hour, pray, and go on with my day, thinking about what I studied. It is still becoming a habit, but it is becoming a great routine!
P.S. Since I am a morning person I am so much more focused in the morning and it starts my day off great with the word of God. On top of that, I always sit by a window. It makes me happy :)

1 Corinthians 12: 3 & 5-7
3: So I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse Jesus, and no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit. 
5-7: There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. 

1 Corinthians 14: 22-25
So you see that speaking in tongues is a sign not for believers, but for unbelievers. Prophecy, however, is for the benefit of believers, not unbelievers. Even so, if unbelievers or people who don't understand these things come into your church meeting and hear everyone speaking in an unknown language, they will think you are crazy. But if all of you are prophesying, and unbelievers or people who don't understand these things come into your meeting, they will be convicted of sin and judged by what you say. As they listen, their secret thoughts will be exposed, and they will fall to their knees and worship God, declaring, "God is truly here among you."

Philippians 2: 6-11
Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God and Father. 

Going Green!
I joined the Eco-Justice Clubbed on campus :)
I bought the Go-Green Schick razors again!
I am trying to take faster showers too...sometimes it is just hard when there was a really hard track practice and the hot water feels amazing on my tired muscles...But I am working on it.
The Eco-Justice Club and I held a meeting the other day and shared some awareness tips on how to conserve water and just stuff around the world to students. Here are some links that we shared with our campus.

Being the Light
I am really still working on this. Sometimes it is so hard to be the light when I need the light. But one thing that really boosted me today was a comment from a friend. I was sitting in the library doing homework and a friend asked me to watch his stuff while he left the room. Of course I said yes. He came back and said this:
"Thanks Christi. I really appreciate you. You are so sweet and kind, and I just wanted to let you know that. Alija is lucky to have you."
Wow! That really made my day.

So that is the down low on life right now. I  had an amazing Valentine's Day, Thanks to Alija.
14 Roses, Chocolates, Spa Package, and a 24 Carrot Gold Necklace. So Great <3
I surprised him with the Trail Blazers vs. Clippers basketball for tomorrow night.  

I miss my horse Kelsey like crazy! I miss Sunny too. I get so teary eyed every time I think about him not being here.
I miss my family and friends too!
But I love my life here in Oregon. I love my relationships here, and I am just very content with life right now :)

Now it is back to my writings and readings for class. Tomorrow is ALREADY Thursday, and the week is almost done. I am sorry for all of the typos and errors this post might have because I do not have time to go back and read/correct it! :)

I will write again when I seek the time. Don't worry! I am getting better at finding it and I will write again soon!
OOOOOO and today I bought a new book bag. It was originally $200! I bought if for $24.99 I was SO EXCITED. It was a great deal :)