Friday, April 24, 2015

Small Reminders

     As I enjoy my free time today, I intended to write a long post about some inspirational situations that have occurred over the last 48 hours. But in all reality, I think the one thing that has been most significant is being able to sit next to my open window and review my old blog writings. I re-read many. I looked through the photos and was taken back to old memories. Some were nice reminders and some I look back and think, "oh boy...I remember that."
     I can believe how much has changed, but it is amazing when it all comes into perspective. The very first post I re-read was Where Does Your Strength Lie? This, I believe, is how God works. He gives us small reminders, leaves us little clues and brings us back down to Earth when life seems to be a little bit overwhelming. 

If you read my last entry, you may understand how I can recognize God working through these messages for me today. 

Can you see what I see?

Monday, April 20, 2015


     I have a confession...I am sitting with my open blinds enjoying the sun, but instead of tea this morning I am drinking coffee. Yes, coffee. I actually enjoy my mornings when I make time to wake up a bit earlier, sip on a warm cup of tea (or now coffee...), read my Bible and write.
     At church last night, Robbie (my pastor) had a message that fit right into my life book. Many times people go to church and feel as though the message was given just for them. I had one of those moments. But the amazing apart is, is that I had written in my journal the two main points in life that I struggle with yesterday morning:
1. Choosing to spend time with God
2. Balance
     God never stops amazing me. Robbie's message was making time for God and to take ten minutes a day out of our busy lives to just spend time with him. Like any kind of relationship time must be dedicated to someone or something to make the relationship stronger. God is the same way. He wants to spend time with us. He wants to help us through our tough times. He wants us to glorify him in everything that we do. But how can we glorify him in everything we do when we don't spend the time to truly learn what he wants us to do or where he wants us to be? 
The key point to Robbie's message was this: 
"Do not allow the urgent things in life to distract you from the important things in life."
Life can be demanding and so overwhelming at times that God can be placed on the back burner. But if I am learning anything right now, it is that when God is the center of my being, everything else seems to fall into place effortlessly.

Good Morning, Monday!  

Friday, April 17, 2015

Post Times

     Even over the length of time, I still have not changed my small habits. As I prepared to write this blog, which is just sitting in silence with God, I sat outside with my hot tea and read my Bible. I then proceeded to my room, opened my blinds and am now typing away. It is so funny how humans can live their lives day to day, but keep the same habits that ground them on Earth. Mine just happens to be silence, tea and open space!
     I just finished reading my last post from February 2014. Wow, a lot has changed. I am now a post-grad, working my dream job. Before getting to this point, I have experience many losses. That being said, this blog is dedicated to my Papa, Great Nana and Dr. Bill. Papa was the track inside of my heart, Nana was one of the individuals in my life that inspired me to live life to its fullest, and be okay with things going wrong, and Dr. Bill helped me embrace the idea that anything is possible. Nana told me this past summer, "if you don't know what to do, do nothing. Just wait."
So I dedicate this to each of you. Thank you for sharing your lives with me. 
During the past six months I have experienced highs, lows, losses and gains. If I were to go through each and every experience my stories would be larger than a dictionary. Instead, I am going to reintroduce myself, because this is my next step and I have graduated from not only college, but another part of my life; I am on another chapter of my book. 

     My name is Christi, and I am working my dream job. I am a Director of Development, as well as a PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor at a non-profit therapeutic riding center.
At times life is busier than I can plan, and I am learning how to officially live away from home. While being states away from family is not abnormal for me, as I get older I find that time only gets shorter. The past four years living away from family had a deadline; a scheduled time of moving back. As of right now, there is no deadline. I am living away from home until God calls me back. Therefore, making the most of my time and being everything I can be is the second most important thing in my life. The most important thing is walking with Jesus. I love Jesus :)
     Instead of writing papers, competing in track events and learning how to get more than four hours of sleep a night, I am applying all that I have learned towards my life now (and still trying to figure out that sleep thing...)! Let me just say, there is not a moment that goes by that I am not reflecting upon my past experiences and personal knowledge.
     I have been blessed with many people, places and moments to get me to where I am right now. If someone were to ask me one year ago if I would be living where I am at this moment and doing what I am doing, I would have said, "no way." I would be back with family, my own horse and graduate school. BUT, God had a bigger plan, better ideas and doesn't ever let his children become too comfortable. If he did, we wouldn't ever be living out the lives he wants us to live.

As time goes on, I can't wait to share my journey.
Okay Papa, Nana and Dr. Bill, I made decision. I am following my dream.