Thursday, July 18, 2013

When You Least Expect IT

Yesterday I was exhausted. Yesterday I had hit my limit. Do you know that feeling when you are so emotionally and physically drained that you want to just sit and cry, but there is no real reason to? You hit a red light, so you want to say things that are not usually used in your vocabulary. You are sitting on the couch and the dog wants out and all you want to do is say, "can't you let yourself out?" Okay, so these are just everyday situations that seem so easy to handle, but when being tired is in the equation, these situations seem so much more difficult. Why am I bringing this up? Because yesterday was this kind of day.
After running on 4 hours of sleep, I got ready for a 10.5 hour day of nannying. Now, I don't want to give off the wrong impression. I love my job. I adore the child I watch and I am so blessed to be such a big part of his life. The reason I was tired was because working out, working, taking care of my animals, spending time with family, filling out papers for my senior year in college, researching master school programs, and trying to have a social life kind of brought me to a tired state of mind. I was physically and emotionally wiped out.
I went to work after my 6:45 AM workout. I played all morning, took care of the 11 week old puppy, and then got ready for swim lessons. I did not put on my swimsuit, instead I decided to take a day off from swimming with the child I am watching and let him play with other kids. After about 10 minutes following swim lessons, he comes up to me and asks, "Christi...can you swim with me?" How could I say no? "Of course," I said, "come with me to change into my swim suit. After I was ready, we went into the pool and we swam. In the middle of the pool are small fountains the kids can play in. The little boy ran into the fountains and said, "CHRISTI! LOOK LOOK!" as he was trying to grab the water. A sudden change in my spirit occurred. Life is so precious. He loves life, and a small bit of water makes his life even better. Innocence is beautiful, and his life is only beginning.
Why am I wasting time by being upset with hitting a red light? Why am I upset when I need to get up off of the couch to let my dog out? In reality, I need to sleep, and psychologically there is fact to that. But, I can control my attitude. So today, after my 5:45 AM workout, I was tired. But the difference between yesterday and today is that I am tired, as well as happy. When I least expected something positive during my day, my spirit recognized how precious life was, and I want to take advantage of every precious moment.
So today, I love.
Tomorrow, I can only be excited for.

Tomorrow I have a visit at a master's program! Wish me luck :)  

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