Monday, November 28, 2011

Ready? Here is my Gobble Gobble Break!

Here is the agenda that I hope to get through within this blog. WARNING: it may be long, but I hope you enjoy! :)

Tuesday: see Mom at work, have lunch with Vanessa at Blue Sky Bagels, run my heart out to Kelsey, Bible Study with Mariah that possibly could have changed my life, then we went to Sharis (who can resist ice cream and hot chocolate at 1:00 in the morning?)
Wednesday: Lunch at Mariah's work followed by a wonderful million degree sauna, seeing Kelsey with Mom, a quick visit to Candace while she was babysitting (on the way there and back I had an amazing worship time in my car!), running to Walgreens with Vanessa later that night and found a great deal on a coin machine followed mindless television
Thursday: TURKEY DAY! Happy Thanksgiving :) cooking with Vanessa, seeing Mom, Vanessa, Rocki, and Millee, posting an add to sell my camera, an attempt to do homework, and once again...out to see my Kelsey girl with Nessa!
Friday: BLACK FRIDAY! (People are ridiculous), Mom and I Christmas shopped, had a wonderful Lunch with Tarana, went to an athletes dinner, and saw TWILIGHT with Steph (I forgot how obsessed I am with Twilight)
Saturday: GO BSU! I went to the Boise Sate football game with Aunti Linda, met Susanna at the mall for our Peppermint Starbucks mochas, picked up Granny and Gramps from the airport, and this was followed by more homework.

Sunday: Church, visit with Gramps (talked some about my vehicle situation), said my vidi mo se (see you later) to Kelsey, got rebaptized, and packed for school.

Are you ready? Are you sure? Okay...Let's go :)

Day 1:
Mom picked me up from the airport. It was so great to see her! The first thing I did was give her a huge hug and kiss, telling her that "Yup! You smell like my Mama (She loves Patchouli and the smell of it makes me think of her). We drove home, and as she went to her second job, Vanessa and I had a wonderful lunch at Blue Sky Bagels. I then went by myself to Kelsey. O I missed her! :) As I drove up she ran to the gate. If Sunny was there he would have done the same, but Kelsey made up the speed for him!

After the day was done, Mariah took me to a "House Church." I had never been. They praised God and let him speak to them through worship. After singing and worship the leader of the group asked if anyone had a hard time hearing God. Mariah and I both raised our hands. For almost an hour they prayed over us and made prophecies about our lives. Who we have been and what we will become. I felt an amazing feeling that night that I will never felt like lightning had hit my right shoulder. The people that prayed and surrounded us wrote down on paper what they felt for us during prayer so we won't ever forget what had happened. Mariah and I are bound together through Jesus Christ and play a huge part in each others life. I think this was one of the reasons I came home during Thanksgiving. My original plan was to stay on campus, but I think God had a different plan and this was only half of it.
Of course after that amazing night with God we decided that Sharis was a must. There we demolished hot chocolate and ice cream.

...and after.

Day 2: I got to sleep in a little bit (I don't enjoy sleeping in past 10:30...I love mid-morning!). I went to Mariah's work, and then we went to the gym for a nice sauna that we sweat like crazy in and to swim. Then I went with Mom to see Kelsey, I saw Candace at our old coach's house, and then I drove home (I just sung my heart out to the same worship song over and over. It was silly, but it felt soooo good). When I got home, Nessa and I went to Walgreens and found a great deal on a coin machine! (Vanessa and I had a lot of time together. It was nice.)
We were sweating like crazy!

Day 3: Happy Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful, RELAXING day. While Mama was at her second job, Nessa and I cooked. Everything went according to plan. The highlight of the morning was when the mashed potatoes were popping all over the kitchen out of the pot. Millee and Rocki joined Mom, Vanessa, and I :) Oh! and I posted to sell my camera on craigslist. Lets pray that someone wants to buy it.

Millee is getting SO big

Day 4: O Black Friday! Vanessa has never been so we went out for an adventure at Shopko. I was looking like a dirtball (no makeup and sweats). We waited outside for about an hour and we were interviewed by Channel 2 News! We then traveled to Walgreens and Walmart. We did find some deals and made it safely home at 3:18 a.m. I then woke up at 10:00 to run some errands and Christmas shop with Mom, had a great lunch with a great friend Tarana at 2:00, and finally saw Twilight with Steph. It made me remember how much I am obsessed with the books and movies!

Day 5: The Boise State game with Aunti Linda was exciting. It was a clear, cold day. Boise State won (Duh..) . After the game I met up with Susanna for a peppermint mocha from Starbucks and we caught up on everything! No matter how far away we are from one another, or how much time has passed, everything stays the same. God has blessed me with amazing friends. Later that night I picked up Granny and Gramps from the airport, and did more homework (of course I did more homework. It is never ending).
Go Boise State!

It's that time of year...for Starbucks Christmas cups

Day 6: Today was the icing on the cake of why God wanted me to go back to home for Thanksgiving Break. Mom and I went to church Sunday, as we usually do. Pastor Tom announced that he was doing baptisms at 3:00 and if ANYONE wanted to be baptized to just meet him at the church. I had a tug in my gut saying "I want to" but I nudged it off. Well, I believe that was defiantly God tugging my gut, because once I ignored the feeling Mom turned to me and asked, "do you want to be baptized again?" I said "yes." Church was an awesome message (it talked about spiritual gifts. Tuesday night someone told me that I had a spiritual gift that God has trusted me with). God works in mysterious ways!
After church I went to say bye to Kelsey, and I had a visit with Gramps and Granny Debbie. Gramps and I talked about my car situation for next year (my goal is this summer to buy a car that can get me through college for the next two years and keep my truck. I will then have it on breaks and in the summer I can use it for my lifestyle needs). I then went to pick up Mom from home, and went to the church. I rededicated my life to Christ November 27, 2011.

Now I am in my dorm, blogging and blogging away. I am unpacked and went on an entire organizing spree! Earlier I ran a 500 meter time trial for track. The team and I are getting ready to travel to Boise this Friday for the Jackson's Invitational, and I plan on demolishing my competition. Oh! and I plan on having fun :) because that is why I run track. I enjoy it, I truly do.
Winning isn't everything, but it sure is fun.

And life continues...!
P.S. I did not edit this blog. Therefore, if there are mistakes and errors, I am sorry :)

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