Friday, October 26, 2012

God's Answers

     I started out my day yesterday with a silent prayer. It was more detailed about what I am going to share, but to put it in a nut shell, I prayed that I would speak slowly. Lately, I have noticed that I have been speaking without thinking. I have been speaking things that are on my mind, when usually I would not. I typically don't challenge others because I respect the way they think, but over time this semester I have been speaking on my own opinions and they don't come out in sweetest ways. Now, this is something that I have noticed personally. So, yesterday I woke up with a prayer to help me speak slowly throughout my day. 
    Well, with being children of God comes answers from God. In class yesterday, I mistakenly spoke about notes that I have for my group that others are struggling with. Now, because I spoke about what I have, other students are asking me for the work. After class a friend of mine asked why I said anything in front of other people. It didn't even register to me. Actually it did register to me, but out of control I just said that I had the notes to my friend, and there you have it...others around me who I would have preferred not to know, now know. My friend after class asked me why I mentioned anything about the notes in class. All I could say was, "I don't know." I was very frustrated because now, due to me not holding my tongue and talking to my group after class, other people want the notes that we have. 
     After this was on my mind for a good three hours (I stress about the smallest things, and when there is something on my mind, I can't shrug it off very well) I called Mom. She gave me great advice as she usually does. After my phone call, I had a realization moment. My morning prayer. "God, please help me speak slowly today." Let me explain what I mean. When someone is in the car and prays for patience through traffic, he most likely will have that person hit every red light. This is a lesson on how to teach patience because someone can't learn to be patient without experiencing the feeling of anxiety. So today with my prayer to hold my tongue, I needed to realize what comes from speaking too much and making judgement calls leads to me just feeling stressed. He answered my prayer by showing me consequences. I hope you can see what he did. This blog might be a little confusing with how I explained my story. Overall, God works in mysterious ways, but he gets the job done :)
     Now I am sitting in my school coffee shop. My day is full of meetings and track practice, then maybe a fun Friday! 
"Know this my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger." James 1:19 

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