Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beautiful Imperfections

Today has been a great day. 
The entire time I have been home it has been great. 

So far I have bought a car (her name is Roxy. She isn't the most beautiful car in the world, but she gets me from  point A to point B with amazing gas mileage! I love her!), started my new job being a nanny, and have been spending time with family and friends.

That is what has been on mind lately; imperfections. My car isn't perfect, my family isn't perfect, life isn't perfect, and I am far from being perfect. I started to think today about the Saturday Market and taking Dad to it. He wanted me to look for avocados at a good price, but didn't see any. That led me to just inviting him to go with me down to the market. One thing is that my parents are divorced. So my time is spread when I am home from living at my grandparents, seeing my mom, and seeing my dad. Along comes visiting my sisters, and making sure that I see everyone before I go back to school. This can be extremely hard at times, also stressful. But as I become older it becomes easier. Going to the Saturday Market with Dad is a way to spend quality time together and do something we would both enjoy. Because my parents were divorced, one of my HUGE goals in life is to have a imperfect, crazy fun, trusting, beautiful family. A family that goes to see Grandma and Grandpa, a family that has games nights, and a family that eats at the table to talk about their day (not sit and watch TV). What I don't want to do is make it sound like I had a terrible life. This is not the case. All of the trials I faced while growing up has lead me to where I am today, and I do not regret one thing. What it does do is motivate me to work for what I want not only for my life, but my families lives. That is waayyy far in the future, but it is just a tangent thought. One positive thing about my parents being divorced, even though many people would say that divorce is all bad, is that I have strong relationships with each of my parents. My Mom is my biggest fan and my Dad is always by my side. I can talk to both of them about anything, and I can be completely honest. The Saturday Market is something that I can take my Mom or Dad to and have a bonding day. Mom says we are already completely bonded, but we always can have more bonding time! :)
So life is imperfect, so what. Life is hard at times, but what I have learned is that tomorrow is coming and no matter how hard we try, life won't change if something is meant to be. We can't take control of other people's problems. What we can do is help everyone, and support people who seek us. We can be there for someone who needs our hand, and stand by their side showing them that they are not abandoned.
I saw a quote the other day and it explained my life, and I am sure a lot of other's peoples lives perfectly. It said:
"Don't judge me because I am committing a different sin from you."
Wow! This spoke to me with so much power. This is because I am not perfect, no where close to it, and neither is anyone else on this world. Every sin is a sin.
Life is full of surprises. Some surprises that we don't want, and some that we absolutely love. Grama Sharon tells me that when life is going smoothly be weary. Dad tells me to always hope for the best, but always expect the worse. Mom tells me to trust in Jesus, and everything will come into place.

With that small window looking into my crazy, busy, active brain of Granny, Gramps, Dad, and I are getting ready for a BBQ for this evening. The pork ribs are ready to cook on the grill, baked beans are on the stove, and salad is being mixed in the kitchen.
It's a beautiful day for an evening of family. 

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